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Monday 10 September 2007

Keynote address

Loriene Roy
(first native american ALA president)

Workplace wellness - healthy passport checklist; workplace environmental scan (to make sure place is healthy); lifeways challenges/competitions; pedometer give0aways at midwinter meeting; ; exercise pavilion with chair yoga, seated aerobices, carpal tunnel exercises etc;

Supporting LIS education through practice: searchable datablase of work experiences/practicum; "The Service Connection" being published; education forum;

Circle of literacy: highlighting services for immigrants, indigenous children, those incarcerated;

Projects: national oral history program; national library camp feasibility study (inspired by 10-year-old asking when it was and there was none); meeting effectiveness training (podcasts giving training/ideas); disaster preparedness (eg flu pandemics etc)

re advantages of international networking of indigenous libraians - answer: five forums so far; need to expand network, eg South America; accomplished action plan etc;

Korowai with pukeko feathers presented to Loriene.