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Tuesday 20 November 2012

Lightning rounds #ndf2012

Nate Solas, Walker Art Center: the intro session
In Improv, can't say "No it's not", you have to say "Yes, and" so the scene can move forward. Four rules for a show he was involved with:
  • Listen - no lines so have to listen to what they're saying because otherwise your next line may make no sense. In technology we might hear "I need Wordpress" when the real question was "I need to publish information" and so our response (based on all the technological issues frustrates. (Ie reference interview)
  • Accept the offer - instinct may be to say no to Skype but listen to the need to talk to an offer so "Yes, and..."
  • Build on it - "...let's use Google Hangouts and broadcast it on YouTube" - add value
  • Reincorporate - leverage existing tools that reliably get work done. Sometimes shiny products are good but need a collection of reliable tools.

John Sullivan, Alexander Turnbull Library: Privacy, WAI262 and bequests
Curators caught in a cleft stick: NZGOAL vs Privacy Act and WAI262. Orgs can be frustrated by curators, who can feel under siege. Not good! Need to recognise that heritage aren't just disseminators but kaitiaki of taonga. Most heritage collections aren't government information - subject to donation agreements. Privacy very relevant. Need informed discussion about likely uses of data and can be hard to explain mashups to 90-year-olds.

Sometimes easier to discuss what can't be put up openly. eg images less than 100 year old with identifiable people (some exemptions for public figures); made in schools, hospitals, prisons, etc where privacy could be reasonably expected; images related to mātauranga Māori; scenes of public trauma or tragedy; people subject to grief; material that might be objectionable under censorship laws.

Kim Baker, NZ On Screen: Rights at NZ On Screen
2007 NZonscreen initiated. Now over 2000 titles. Rights clearances important - affects what appears. Originally had no license agreement, just an Excel spreadsheet listing the films needed rights for. Now have a custom database and access to legal advice.

Many constraints when started. Started exploring, discussing with stakeholders. Some hostility - threat to livelihood. Relationships with filmmakers, production companies, NZFilm Commission, Maori TV, ....

With new platform came new requests and processes. Not paying fees so wanted lightweight license agreement with fair out. Easy-to-read two-page license agreement; also can accept agreement by email or over the phone. Respect cultural boundaries.

Got agreement to screen programmes that include association members' music.

Goal to make things easy for rights holders. Many claim they do/don't hold rights when they don't/do. Licensing for free still costs in time/resources. So far no instances of untraceable copyright holders coming back from the dead.

Some TV ad licensing under way. Need license to acknowledge that web won't always be the only way to access material. Ability to ask if rights holders want to apply Creative Commons.

Brian Flaherty, University of Auckland Library: Matapihi future
420 seconds on Windows - collective digital housekeeping.
Window as shopfront; but also window onto Aotearoa, ie Matapihi.
How is Matapihi different from DigitalNZ? It's a subset - just 14 content partners and 400,000 objects.

DigitalNZ has broad mandate - includes govt departments and private sector. Matapihi centered around NZ culture - Turnbull, Archives NZ, Te Papa.

Could say front end doesn't matter because all in Digital NZ and harvested by Google. Maybe a case for that...

Europeana opens up dataset of cultural objects for free re-use - give away their metadata. Allows user-generated exhibitions, family histories.

Matapihi could morph into advocating for open licensing, on making metadata available for aggregators (eg Summon), high-res images subset of DNZ, a pilot of NZ etext and book corpus (think about NZETC, AtoJs, Te Ao Hou, etc etc and pulling this all together), a Digital NZ GLAM filter, or something bigger: a trusted and curated space for NZ cultural heritage.

Do sets just create a digital object vending machine - lining things up together without defining relationship? Need to build narrative around images.

Or could just pull the plug. Shouldn't be scared of saying it's past its use-by date if this is the case. Currently in a state of palliative care... Do we develop it more or let it pass? The idea of looking in a window at stuff is passé - now we talk about engagement.

Emily Steel: Little Slide Dress @emilymsteel
Wearable technology project "fireflies and lightening bugs" - make a piece of clothing and put lights in it. Had to use microcontrollers and sensors. What interested her was if using something celebrating light, why not use light for input data so project would only come to life in certain conditions.

Drew inspiration from the discarded - reusing old materials. Can you turn something old into something new and celebrate the old while using the new technology? Got box of old slidefilm from garage where dumped by father's junkshop travels. Seemed to suit the theme of light.

Blending technology - magic of light bringing images to life. Always interested in light bringing movies to life.

Hence the "Little Slide Dress". Learned a lot - technologies don't always work together. Slides don't like becoming a dress. Lights don't like becoming wearable. Code likes to break.