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Monday 12 October 2009

How to run a podcast poetry competition

Kris Wehipeihana - How to run a podcast poetry competition
without an in-house IT infrastructure to support it
Rachel Fisher, Kris Wehipeihana
abstract (pdf)

Covering podcasting; working outside IT infrastructure; social media.

Using Blogger, Twitter, Google Calendar. But if your team isn't keen it won't happen.

Linking Montana Poetry Day activities to something that could be pushed out through to school activities. Wrote it quickly.

Clause 4 of terms and conditions - that poems are shared under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND. No questions or complaints from users.

Didn't have any speaker/microphone/sound cards/file space at all. Most work done on Rachel's own time and own computer. Used free software. Some shortcomings but advantages outweighed disadvantages.

Blogger as easy to use. Free templates can be customised but not easy if you're not familiar with html. However there's lots of instructions available online especially as Blogger is so popular.

Audacity - all you need to know is the location of record, stop, pause, play. Advanced functionality available if you're technically minded. Save-to-mp3 is an extra file so awkward step for users. Comes included in APNK package.

File hosting - two downsides include: sites require you to sign in regularly or you'll lose your account. Can also impose file storage and file size limits (but probably not a problem unless your competition is really popular).

Stat counters (eg StatCounter) lets you know how many people are visiting, whether they're repeat visitors, where they come from again. Google Analytics is another one they use and will use in future.

Last year people could only enter if they had their own equipment; now they have stuff through APNK it's opened things up for everyone. APNK should be self-managing but customers still ask librarians for help, so librarians require training.

Rodney Libraries uses a yahoo email address because their staff email has size limits - it also ties in with their Flickr account.

File hosting sponsor this year is Liquid Silver.

Ideal set up would have dedicated website where customers can fill in mandatory information and upload files directly. Computers would have all equipment and software preloaded; staff would be fully trained. Significant relationships with local schools to combine curriculum areas (technology, english, etc). One school in Rodney catchment area has more classes participating each year.

Intends to maintain presence in web2 sites so as to be in a good position when demand for these services increases.

First year had 32 entries; second year 56. (50 entries in short story competition, for comparison.)

Tim Spalding asked whether they've looked at sites where people can post poems and have them critiqued.

Some difficulties in first year of competition re dialup - but it could be done, so don't let dialup be your excuse not to do it!