Huria Robens
Changed way public engage with collections, and way materials have been presented.
Truck transforms into exhibition space - tripling in size. Uses hydraulics to lower floors, etc. Takes 6 people 2 hours to set up. Entrance tent like bouncy castle kept erec by fan feeding air inside. Inside van lights mounted, walls moved into position. Sight, sound, video, cartoons... Offered range of free resources as leaving (brought many of these to this session too).
Huge success so second tour schedured. Third tour July07-08 to secondary schools - schools need to book in. Launched Treaty2U website where can see much of the content. First installment up - more installments to come.
Example of how a theme can drive a product/project.
strategic plans - professional development for staff on te tiriti - what does Treaty2U contribute to this? Tours nation-wide self-guided. Many councils sent all staff through. What staff got through was up to them. (98% of people said "thanks so much for coming - I didn't know this stuff". Free resources a big hit. :-) Some emotionally affected. Muslim school where had to keep boys and girls separate. With schools break out into activities - this works well for professional development too.)
Understanding Treaty different from implementing it - do you cover this? No, this is intro to Treaty only.