Visit in South Africa - lots of money going into community libraries. Felt like being "in the centre of an emerging democracy".
This year LIANZA & NatLib, working with Dept of Corrections to bring more literacy programmes into prisons. First Public Library Summit - libraries as "seriously dangerous places".
National Library
- National Digital Heritage Archive. $24million budget. - world leading project, gaining international recognition.
- Building redevelopment
- New generation national library strategy
John Truesdale to join National Library team (press release at 10am)
The knowledge equation - things happening recently/to come:
- Epic 2005
- AnyQuestions 2006
- findNZarticles 2006
- Maori Subject Headings 2006
- National Digital Heritage Archive 2005-08
- Digital Strategy (disccussed 3x in South Africa)
- World Summit on the information society
- Matapihi
- launch of Digital Content Strategy last week
- OCLC brought into libraries of NZ - connecting all NZers to 57,000 libraries
- People's Network
- will go live in a few weeks
- National Digital Forum - starting to say why don't we have national digitisation programmes?
- Creative Commons coming in a few weeks
- Community collections springing up - eg Kete Horowhenua; Cardrona
Homework for the next year: develop a nz framework (unifying search and discovery layer); connect the ketes.