No written paper accompanies it because need to read the strategy itself.
It's a whole of government / whole of country strategy. Genesis in Digital Strategy 2005 with three Cs - connection, content, confidence. NatLib given task of developing digital content strategy. Received 90 submissions inuding composite submissions so huge amount of info to absorb.Won't be a strategy for five years as everything changing. Virtual strategy so will be updated/modified as things cchange.
Four influencing factors
- public digital space - formal/informal, public/rivate
- high-speed broadband
- digital convergence
- content on demand - ease of use and easy of discovery - if not, won't be used - how do we ensure our content is visible?
Five element framework
- creating and protecting digital content
- need to think about access and protection directly when it's being created - tension between control of rights and availability of information
- responses include creative commons for NZ - building iCT skills and knowledge individually, not just the techies. - participate in debate on cultural content
- need to think about access and protection directly when it's being created - tension between control of rights and availability of information
- accessible and discoverable content
- challenge to optimise content for search (standards etc) and others
- new initiatives: te reo maori and pacific languages metadata project (between NatLib, Te Papa, Archives NZ to develop metadata standard); digital NZ; research NZ (funded TEC and unis fudning institutional repositories)
- responses include: digisation, adoption of interoperable standards, indexes online, repositories, accessibility on other devices eg cellphones
- challenge to optimise content for search (standards etc) and others
- sharing and using content
- new initiatives - stats NZ to get data online and accessible; national heritage; people's Network;
- responses: unlock public content, free internet access, web 2.0 strategies
- new initiatives - stats NZ to get data online and accessible; national heritage; people's Network;
- managing and preserving
- digital archives preservation, documenting creative and performing arts project
- digital archives preservation, documenting creative and performing arts project
- digital content is understood
- world internet project - international study out of AUT to get data on impact of internet on everyday lives
- responses - read, read, think!
- world internet project - international study out of AUT to get data on impact of internet on everyday lives