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Monday, 10 September 2007

Library X.0 beta

Brian Flaherty & Paul Sutherland

Brian - much baggage and confusion aroudnd library 2.0. He's not sure about emphases on it - if goal is wikified etc then missing the point. Blogs often have X many posts this year, no comments. Blogs about new books. Not integrated with website. What's the value for our clients? Users come in to get the good stuff not for 'conversations'.

Our job to select; acquire; organize; provide access; preserve.

Need to aggregate and integrate.

"Most integrated library sytems as they are currently configured and used should be removed from public view." - Roy Tennant

readymobi - see what website looks like on various mobile devices

Next generation library catalogues - large result sets on keyword searching; unforgiving of spelling, stemming; authority searching mystifying; data from item record not used for filtering.
Eg Queens Library - aquabrowser

User experience vs back-end systems. Harvest metadata to make sense in a separate index, put on front end for users. Not searching catalogue directly. Eg Primo. (Should include databases)

Currently metasearch works but doesn't scale. Would like to have it replaced by Google Scholar. If it had all publishers. (Now has Elsevier.)

Open source Vufind.

"Give them what they want" vs "the long tail"
Much social content - most people visiting, not engaging.
80% of people want 20% of any collection. Also lots of people want things we don't have= long tail.
Web 2.0 as participation. Blogs etc are tools to get to this place. Participation, usability, economy, design, standardisation, convergence
Image of bridge as segue into "train"ing. - pointed to Learning 2.0
Library Elf

The catalogue is not just a cataloguing issue.. Not just customers, we also own it. = data and interface. Searched 'convent girls' in Worldcat. Some links don't work, some do, some aren't even linked at all. To do with Open WorldCat registry. (Uni of Canterbury.)

Eg Danbury Library has tags; similar books; tags from LibraryThing. LibraryThing is one of the biggest library in the world

Wikipedia - one of key reference of Erebus article is CCLibrary fact sheet for kids.
Official reports not linked from wikipedia - or from anywhere else.


re metadata - google is a hit because it has everything. Building igger pools of data and chopping them up differently. So you know what you're looking for.

Scholar as access for collections - they won't pick up small publications unless we do something about it. Aggregation on a national level to get into global sphere.

Vufind - searches all local collections - different interface. Libraryfind also open source

Interoperability and tech knowledge; how to get skills - one person can't do on own; need to work together. Keep up-to-date.