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Monday 16 June 2008

Database RSS alerts #3

Concluding my investigations of what alerts various engineering databases provide (part 1, part 2) with a few loose ends...

  • RSS "Editor's Choice" average 10-15 alerts a week per 'industry' - the RSS link has to be manually edited if you're using the database through a proxy server
  • Email search alerts "continuously updates" - but only the account administrator is authorised!

  • when database updated
  • search alerts (contents alerts for PsycArticles journals)
  • by email or RSS - but the RSS link has to be manually edited if you're using the database through a proxy server

Ovid (eg GeoBASE, Biological Abstracts, Forest Science Database)
  • weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or when database updated
  • search alerts
  • by email or RSS - but the RSS link has to be manually edited if you're using the database through a proxy server
  • Note: I'm not convinced this worked - my feeds are sitting happily in my RSS reader with one post each saying "Newly created Ovid feed" but I'm still waiting for any alerts to appear...

And various databases that have no RSS capabilities:
  • Agricola
  • CE Database
  • FireInf
  • Index New Zealand
  • Kompass
  • NLM
  • NTIS
  • Transportation Research Information Services Online