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Saturday 12 April 2008

Computers in Libraries 2008 (LONG!)

I wasn't at this conference (obviously, for those who know me) but I've been attempting to keep up via blogs and wanted to make some notes for myself about some of the cool things I've been reading. So what follows is a screed of super-brief notes gathered from various people who were there, in many cases blatantly plagiarised sans attribution from their blogs. Sorry about that, folks...

Programme at InfoToday

Keynote - Pew Internet... (powerpoint at Pew Internet)Lee Rainie
  • 60% of teens use the library in 2008 compared to 36% in 2000
  • Lack of awareness is an inhibitor

Fast & Easy Site Tune-Ups
Jeff Wisniewski
  • use code to keep copyright / last-updated dates fresh
  • contact info -> hCards
  • add labels to forms, checkboxes etc for accessibility

Widgets, tools and doodads for library webmasters (presentation at slideshare)
Darlene Fichter, Frank Cervone
User-Generated Content
Roy Tennant
  • more content is better, more access is better
  • plugged Kete
  • WorldCat going social; LoC using Flickr...
  • Are you set up appropriately to meet your goals?
  • user engagement is a good thing

Library Web Presence: Engaging the Audience
lots of people including Ellysa Stern Cahoy
  • widgets!
  • LibGuides subject guides - still need marketing but usage more than doubled in first month
  • Research Jumpstart at Penn for freshman - stripped down to basics
  • faculty and grad students like being able to build their own page with feeds and widgets

Hi Tech & Hi Touch (pdf at the Shifted Librarian)
Jenny Levine
  • Patrons don't care whether they're being reached by high or low technology; they just want high touch. (eg new books list - not just titles and authors, but blurbs and/or covers which give more info)
  • Link to ILL with "We don't own this, but we will get it for you."
  • Idea to present a database of the week via SlideShare
  • MeeboMe widget, email link, library hours etc on the null-search page in the catalogue

Innovation Starts with "I" (Slides at LibraryBytes)
Helene Blowers and Tony Tallent
  • Creativity is thinking up new things; innovation is doing new things.
  • involves creativity, strategy, implementation, profitability
  • Don't ask for permission - ask for support!
  • Sell your vision multiple ways - on paper, face-to-face, presentation. Tell a story about how it could change life for a user.
  • "book bundles" that they bind up with yarn, ready for patron to "grab and go"

Innovative Marketing Using Web 2.0. (Slides at Digitisation 101)
Helene Blowers and Michael Porter
  • library brand is books and community - not logo
  • consumers impact the branding - let them promote you
  • use web 2.0 to tell stories
  • make the branding portable
  • Hennepin their community to submit a photo of reading Harry Potter to the website and Flickr

Mashups for Non-Techies: Yahoo! Pipes (powerpoint, links, more at CIL2008 wiki
Jody Fagan
  • no programming involved - just plug in information

Keynote: Innovative & Inspiring
Delft guys Erik Boekesteijn, Jaap van de Geer, and Geert van den Boogaard
  • made documentary re libraries, travelling around US
  • video they made available here
  • "The book is one of the best technologies ever invented, but it is a technology."

Transparency, Planning & Change: See-Through Libraries (pdf at Tame the Web)
Michael Casey and Michael Stephens
  • Don't ask staff for input if you're not going to use it.

Drupal in Libraries slidecast at OEDB
Ellyssa Kroski
  • Ann Arbor District Library has module to integrate OPAC into website - new website gave 40% increase in traffic
  • also used in classes, for intranets, for planning, workshop sign-ups...
  • being used to empower staff to be able to contribute content to the website directly without the filter of a webmaster
  • library specific modules eg MARC and Z39.50
  • many conferences, resources, mailing lists etc for support

Libraries A-Twitter & Using (Dutch writeup here)
lots of people including Michael Sauers
  • Systems are using twitter for event publicity and reference
  • used to create on the fly pathfinders, catalogue in-house and web resources and other uses - bookmarks here

Facebook Apps & Libraries' Friendly Future (slideshare)
Laurie Bridges and Cliff Landis
  • sticky site: average user spends 20 minutes on the site
  • library apps exist but little used because not social
  • people WANT to interact, but they can't find out how on a library site
  • It is never a mistake to give users more options.
  • *you* initiating friending with students or patrons can make you seem like Uncle Creepy, so it's best to let them initiate it.

Harnessing New Data Visualization Tools (slides at slideshare)
Darlene Fichter
  • data is free but in a raw state that is not yet usable by most people

Catalog Effectiveness: Google Analytics & OPAC 2.0
Rebekah Kilzer, Cathy Weng and Jia Mi
  • use of Google Analytics to understand how its OPAC is used

From Woepac to Wowpac (writeup in Dutch)
lots of people including Karen G. Schneider
    (Me: I love this title)
  • Interoperability is essential: like using APIs
  • Blyberg: The fact that we can't put together a quality OPAC isn't because it's hard to do, but rather that it is systemic and representative of the greater libraryworld problems
  • blogger: Putting a pretty face on a lousy ILS doesn’t get us where our patrons need us to be.

IM service, making it successful (writeup in Dutch)
Super Searcher
Mary Ellen Bates
Libraries as Laboratories for Innovation
Matt Gullett and Greg Schwartz
  • Need: Talent; Time and space; Support from admin
  • Play background music to help control volume in area

Leading Technology in Libraries
Gina Millsap and David Lee King
  • Library Director 2.0 - less hierarchy, involve all staff
  • Library Director 2.1 - customer service is job #1; do pilot projects; treat staff as customers
  • Job descriptions for all staff now say they will participate in the digital branch through blogging (NB based on talking to staff)

Pecha Kucha (podcasting powerpoint at Openstacks | IM slides at slideshare)
6 people with 6min40s to talk each
  • blogger: What if we were all challenged to do a high quality presentation in 6 minutes?
  • IM: 75% of online teens use to communicate; get happy with Meebo widgets for point-of-need help
  • podcasting: audience growing
  • wikis: like barnraising. Easy creation and *searchability*.
  • videocasting: use your users to staff your videos
  • facebook: "Myspace might kill you, but Facebook won't." Facebook highlights the user.
  • sceptic: If 2.0 is the solution, what was the problem?

Keynote: libraries as happiness engines (writeup in Dutch
Liz Lawley
  • happiness: satisfying work, experience of being good at something, time spent with people we like, chance to be part of something bigger
  • concept of "productive play"
  • games include collecting, points, feedback, exchanges, customization - can we build these into learning tasks?
  • Seriosity game to reduce emails sent

Technology Training for Library Staff: Creativity Works (pdf at Librarian in Black)
Sarah Houghton-Jan, Maurice and Annette
  • why train? confidence, saves money, serves users better, etc.
  • work with staff to brainstorm, plan
  • task-based
  • incentives
  • technology competencies and training material
  • Technology Petting Zoo project

Tech Tools for Effectively Managing Information (list at cil2008 wiki)
Roger Skalbeck and Barbara Fullerton

    Learning From Gaming
    Chad Boeninger
    • borrow ideas from successful social sites
    • how can we encourage more exploration in libraries?

    Gaming for Adults
    Martin House and Mark Engelbrecht
    • promoting in community worked better than on web
    • Users who have experienced the gaming events tend to gravitate toward the staff who run the gaming events afterwards when they are in the library for another need or reason.
    • The attendees come to the library more after the gaming events. They also use reference materials as their primary activity in coming to the library.

    Online Outreach for Libraries: Successful Digital Marketing (pdf at Librarian in Black)
    Sarah Houghton-Jan
    • place teasers where the users are; bring them to the library
    • list and links at the Utopian Library
    • from the floor: Sending people to a poorly designed website is worse than not being there at all.

    Findability: Information Not Location (powerpoint at rss4lib | writeup in Dutch)
    Mike Creech and Ken Varnum at U Michigan
    • multiple websites for multiple branches - rationalising content and form
    • focus groups, online survey, and one-question survey randomly on pages: either "What did you come to this page to do?" or "Why do you come to the library's website?" Conversations with stakeholders, used Google Analytics
    • MTagger on all pages including catalogue - after 1 month 1000 tags by 300 taggers
    • anything searchable is an RSS feed. open APIs]
    • now choosing open-source search tool and CMS

    Greg Notess
    • most people don't click things at top so integrating image results etc into main search results
    • Google Scholar: added elsevier titles, most frequent authors list.
    • Zero Phrase Search: Google change - they’re working on changing results - sometimes it will say No results found and will just search for the phrase without quotes - sometimes it won’t tell you no results found.

    What’s Hot in RSS & Social Software (links on speaker's wiki | writeup in Dutch)
    Steven Cohen

      Eric Atkinson
      • implementing Kete at Orange County Library System

      The New Generation of Library Interfaces
      Marshall Breeding
      • You want to make it so easy that users aren’t thinking about the interface but rather are thinking about the content.
      • enriched content
      • Can the library community bear the cost of this new OPAC? Can we afford to not do it or do it so slowly that we become irrelevant?

      Going Local in the Library: Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Local 2.0
      Charles Lyons
      • Wikinorthia library-created local wiki (Meredith Farkas' idea to create a university wiki, where the library could gather information from all different groups on campus to create a truly helpful resource for new students)

      Virtual Reference: Endless Possibilites
      Dan Sich and Derik Badman
      Collaborating with YouTubers to Enhance Library Instruction
      • involving students a good idea

      InfoTubey Awards